Victorinox Angler

CHF 43.00

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Relaxed fishing – even more so with the right knife.

Fancy a fishing trip? But not without the Angler, the Officer’s Knife that can tackle everything.


1. large blade
2. small blade
3. corkscrew
4. can opener with
5. – small screwdriver
6. cap lifter with
7. – screwdriver
8. – wire stripper
9. reamer, punch
10. Key ring inox
11. tweezers
12. toothpick
13. fish scaler with
14. – hook discorger
15. – ruler (cm + inches)
16. pliers with
17. – wire crimping tool
18. – wire cutters

Color: Red
Transparent: No
Length: 91 mm
Width: 27 mm
Height: 22 mm
Net Weight: 115 g

Additional information

Weight 0.12 kg


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