This loyalty voucher is your reward for your loyalty! Exchange your collected loyalty points for a physical voucher worth CHF 50. The voucher is only valid in the salesroom in Goldau and can be redeemed there for all available products.
Once redeemed, your voucher will be sent to you by post – so you can use it at your convenience on your next visit to Goldau. Thank you for your loyalty!
Important information about the process:
- To order this voucher, you need a customer account with at least 150 loyalty points.
- Add the voucher in the shopping cart and complete the purchase process.
- After completing the order, the 150 loyalty points will be automatically deducted from your points account.
- The voucher will then be sent by post to the address you have provided.
- The voucher is only valid in the salesroom in Goldau and cannot be redeemed online.
Learn more about our loyalty program: Click here for more details on loyalty program and how to redeem your points.