Traffic paddle with reflective Stop sign with red flashing LED light. The back is fitted with a green flashing LED light and GO sign. The paddle is lightweight and fits your hand well. The light can be turned by a toggle switch on / off. The paddle is equipped with an additional hand strap.
Product information:
- Designation: Traffic paddle Stop and Go
- Weight: 240 gm.
- Reflective colour: white / red / green
- Dimensions: Length 38 cm
- Handle length: 13.5 cm
- Traffic paddle diameter: 19 cm
- Hand strap black
- Reflective sign: Stop Sign with red led-light and GO
- Sign with green-light
- Light: flashing red LED light / flashing green LED light, can be switched on and off with toggle switch
- Batteries: 3 pcs./ 1.5 V
On request and from 10 pcs. We also make other signs.